Convensa wins the contract for the execution of a second road at the nexus of the Pajares Bypass with the high-speed network


Convensa wins the contract for the execution of a second road at the nexus of the Pajares Bypass with the high-speed network

Convensa wins the contract for the execution of a second road at the nexus of the Pajares Bypass with the high-speed network

Convensa has won the contract for the execution of a second road that will serve as a link between the Pajares Bypass and the High Speed network. The second track will have a total length of 41.5 kilometers and will allow the Palencia-León high-speed line to increase the circulation capacity of this line, a link between the connection to Asturias and the rest of the high-speed network.

second road will be laid between the so-called Las Arenas Bifurcation, near the León municipality of Bercianos del Real Camino, and the Vilecha Bifurcation, about five kilometers from León. The high-speed line will double its route with double track, up to 85 kilometers - out of 114.8 kilometers of the line - from the Las Barreras Bifurcation, about thirty kilometers from Palencia, to León.

The contract has an amount of 26.2 million euros and includes the assembly of ballast, sleepers and rail as well as the placement of the catenary (cable on the track from which the trains draw energy to circulate).

With these actions, the project is launched that will increase the capacity of the Palencia-León high-speed line to meet the increase in traffic associated with the continuous extension of the high-speed network, which already exceeds 4,000 kilometers.