Convensa wins the contract for maintenance and pre-maintenance services for the track infrastructure and track devices of the Plasencia-Badajoz High-Speed Line
Convensa wins the contract for maintenance and pre-maintenance services for the track infrastructure and track devices of the Plasencia-Badajoz High-Speed Line

Convensa wins the contract for maintenance and pre-maintenance services for track infrastructure and track devices for the Plasencia-Badajoz High-Speed Line. The contract has an amount of more than 38 million euros and an execution period of 48 months.
Convensa participates in this contract with Ferrovial, Azvi and Guinovart.
The object of the works is the maintenance and conservation of the elements of the subsystem constituted for the infrastructure (platform), track and track devices of the High Speed Line.
The most relevant maintenance actions are:
- Preventive maintenance: surveillance - data evaluation - diagnosis - programming of interventions in the short, medium and long term: Infrastructures, buildings, track and track devices.
- Corrective maintenance: application of resources to act immediately in incidents of any origin with direct or indirect repercussions on the operation.
- Improvement actions: those actions that involve small investment works, not separable from maintenance, that increase the value of the assets, and improve the safety, reliability and comfort of the service in the long term.
With this new award, Convensa is positioned as one of the main players in the maintenance of high-speed lines in Spain with a presence on the Madrid-Barcelona, Madrid-Seville, Madrid-Toledo, Córdoba-Málaga and the recently awarded Plasencia-Badajoz lines.