Convensa participates in various railway projects in the Mediterranean Corridor


Convensa participates in various railway projects in the Mediterranean Corridor

Convensa participates in various railway projects in the Mediterranean Corridor

Currently, Convensa participates in various railway projects belonging to the Mediterranean Corridor. It is executing the construction project for the platform of the Murcia-Almería High Speed Mediterranean Corridor in the Nijar-Rio Andarax section and in Totana-Lorca. The first section has a length of more than 25.5 kilometers on a single track, contemplating the execution of 16 viaducts, a tunnel of 880 meters in length that will be executed by the Belgian Method, 56 drainage works, 9 Underpasses and 4 Overpasses.

The second section has a length of 7.5 kilometers of a new double-track platform with a 2,160-meter viaduct, an overpass, 24 drainage works, the construction of the Lorca-San Diego Station and the expansion of the the Hoya de Lorca.

In addition, it is executing another third section of the platform of the Mediterranean railway corridor in Totana (Murcia).

All contracts reach 300 million euros and have a maximum execution period of 32 months for each section.

Thanks to these projects, a new impulse is given to the Mediterranean Corridor, with actions that promote and advance the construction of this strategic infrastructure.

The new LAV is part of the Mediterranean Corridor, a critical infrastructure for the region and the country, aligned with the European recovery strategy that has directed its resources to projects that will promote the green and digital economy and contribute to the development of the industrial and productive fabric of the regions.
All these actions contribute to the achievement of different Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), such as number 9, which has among its goals the development of reliable, sustainable and quality infrastructure, and number 11, which seeks to promote accessible and sure.

These three sections in progress make Convensa a main player in the development of the Mediterranean Corridor.