Convensa leads the way in gender inclusion and equality in the railway sector


Convensa leads the way in gender inclusion and equality in the railway sector

Convensa lidera la inclusión e igualdad de género dentro del sector ferroviario

Convensa is a leader in the railway infrastructure sector in terms of gender inclusion and equality. For years, it has been continuously incorporating women in technical positions, both for the infrastructure execution and maintenance functions carried out as well as in the driving and handling of railway vehicles.

At present, the company has a female machinist, a pioneer in the sector, who is working on railway maintenance works. In turn, of the 28 women working in the company, 22 carry out technical functions, with positions of responsibility on site, and are specialists in railway works. Of the aforementioned women, one of them is responsible for safety in railway traffic and is in charge of the management of maintenance and quality in railway infrastructures, within the company's Machinery Park.

In Spain, women repre-sent approximately 20.4% of employees in the main railway companies. This percentage rises to 27.9% if adjacent activities such as administrative, scientific or manufacturing activities are included. Although female representation in the railway sector has tradi-tionally been low, there has been a gradual increase in the last decade.

Women in the railway sector in Spain face several significant challenges:

  • Gender stereotypes: Many women are in roles traditionally considered ‘feminine’, such as administrative or customer service, while technical and leadership positions are still dominated by men.
  • Limited access to technical and leadership positions: Only a small percentage of women hold managerial or technical positions. For example, only 3% of train drivers in Europe are women.
  • Reconciliation of work and family.
  • Lack of female role models: The scarcity of women in visible and leadership roles may discourage young women from considering careers in the rail sector.
  • Cultural and organisational barriers.

Convensa has implemented initiatives, plans and programmes that are breaking down gender barriers within the rail sector.