Convensa wins the contract for the road assembly project of the section included in the railway integration works in León


Convensa wins the contract for the road assembly project of the section included in the railway integration works in León

Convensa wins the contract for the road assembly project of the section included in the railway integration works in León

Convensa, a company specializing in railway projects of the FCC Group, has been awarded the project for the assembly of the track included in the railway integration works in León and links. The work has a budget of 6.6 million euros and an execution period of 4 months.

The object of the project is the assembly of a road to give continuity to the Leon station with the northern end of the lines of La Coruña and Oviedo. It will also allow the restitution of the itinerary through León between León-Asturias, maintaining access to the Renfe engine workshops and restoring the affected roads.

The main units of the project include: the assembly of nine track devices, the installation of two thousand meters of double track, the conditioning and access to the roads of workshops, the replacement of affected services (electricity, telecommunications, gas and water supply).