Convensa collaborates in the restoration of services affected by the DANA

Convensa is carrying out different activities in the towns affected by the DANA in order to recover the damaged services. Since October 30, Convensa has been collaborating in the reconstruction, cleaning and reestablishment of part of the services affected by the DANA that devastated the towns surrounding Valencia on October 29, 2024.
It is cleaning up the C3 railway line between Valencia and Buñol, working along the entire route and at the stations of San Isidre, Xirivella, Aldaia, L'Origuilla, Cheste, Chiva and Buñol. More than 30 technical staff and around 30 machines and lorries have been distributed along the 40 kilometres of railway track affected. The work carried out in this first phase consists of cleaning and clearing everything swept away by the flood, vehicles, lorries, containers, trees, pipes, etc., as well as carrying out an initial assessment of the damage and then proceeding to restore the line as soon as necessary by means of emergency work. Collaboration with ADIF has been key, with up to eight teams of machinery deployed at Aldaya, L'Origuilla and Cheste stations in less than 24 hours. At the same time, work is being carried out at the different stations affected to create accesses and storage areas along the route.
At Convensa, we are committed to the work and activities we carry out in the affected area, providing human and material resources to resolve the damaged infrastructures as quickly as possible.