Convensa awarded for its leadership in the construction sector


Convensa awarded for its leadership in the construction sector

Convensa premiada por su liderazgo en el sector de la construcción

Convensa has been awarded by the Confederación Asturiana de la Construcción for its 50 years of commitment to the construction sector.

Convensa, Contratas y Ventas, is a company specialized in the execution of railway works.

Its extensive experience over 50 years in this sector, together with a large fleet of railway machinery, allows it to tackle any railway project it may have to face with total guarantee.

Convensa is also part of the FCC Group, which gives it a technological and financial capacity unequalled among railway construction companies, guaranteeing the success of all its actions.

In this way, Convensa carries out the study, design, construction and monitoring of new and existing works; maintenance of lines and facilities in operation; and advice and support in all matters related to railway matters.